Here are the qualities I bring to help you be more of who you want to be:

Genes candidI am passionate about learning how we can be better players at the game of life. I read books and learn from other coaches and teachers constantly and test out what I learn in my own life. I love to share my discoveries with you.

I am creative. I see the connections between things and can help you discover new possibilities when you’re feeling stuck.

I am analytical. I am good at understanding the underlying dynamics and motivations behind a person’s behavior. I know how to help you create realistic, achievable action plans to realize your goals.

I have a great sense of compassion and humor. I can help you get a broader perspective when you’re being hard on yourself. I know how to create a safe place for you to confront your challenges and explore your potential.

I am articulate. I translate abstract concepts into practical solutions for everyday life.

I am honest. I won’t accept you as a client unless I genuinely believe I can help you. FAIR WARNING: I will also keep YOU honest about the commitments you make to yourself and will point out inconsistencies between what you say and what you do.

I earned an MS degree in Counseling from Western Carolina University and I have worked as a volunteer hospice chaplain and bereavement counselor, as well as a community mental health therapist and life skills trainer. Now in private practice in Asheville, North Carolina, I provide life and career coaching for individuals and organizations.

I wake up every day excited about the life I am creating. Join me and see how you can, too!

To get started, contact me at gene@lifeturnedon.com to schedule a free half-hour consultation to discuss your goals and see if we’re a good fit.